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How Your Provider Can Help You When Disaster Strikes

reny     28 August 2017     Managed Services / Network     0 Comments

One of the biggest concerns companies have these days when it comes to their data is what to do when something goes wrong. It’s not unheard of that hacks, data breaches, or even entire server shutdowns can occur during the life-cycle of your business. When it does, your business can be at a huge risk. Even companies who don’t need all the internet services out there will still choose to invest in a disaster recovery service, or DRaas. This is because no matter what happens, a business cannot survive if there is no disaster recovery plan in place.

Doesn’t your company deserve the same protection? After all, how do you plan on keeping business moving when the unexpected happens?


The Cost of a Disaster on Your Business

It goes without saying that even the smallest of IT disruptions can wreak havoc on your business. According to research done by Information Week, out of the 200 companies surveyed, the total cost of any IT downtime was over 26 billion. That translates to $150,000 lost annually by each company.

Not only is it a financial loss, but it’s also a long-term catastrophe. Companies who experience any type of IT shut-down, whether it’s due to a hack or a power-outage, can leave a bad taste with their clients. Their clients are going to be less likely to trust this company in the future, and may go with a competitor instead. Ultimately, the effects are long term.

Therefore, it’s no question that having a plan when disaster strikes is imperative. Just choosing the right provider with a solid approach is a major step in the right direction.


What is DRaas and How It Can Specifically Help YOU

Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaas, is a unique solution to disaster recovery designed by an expert provider catered specifically to your company’s needs. No two businesses are the same, whether it’s the size of their clientele, the type of industry they’re in, or the profits made. This means that your DRaas solution will be quite different from the next guy’s.

Your provider will help plan and design, architect, and deploy your disaster recovery solution from start to finish. This way, you’re fully prepared if and when a problem occurs. It will be your very own, fully managed, custom environment, that you can rely on. And, it doesn’t need to be expensive, either, as your provider can help you find a solution that fits your budget just as well as everything else.


Wowrack offers budget-friendly and high-quality DRaas packages that will fit your company's’ needs. Contact us today to learn more.


How Your Provider Keeps Business Continuity

The most important thing any DRaas does is allow your business to keep moving if you get stalled by an IT interruption, whatever that may be. Sometimes, these interruptions can take some time to discover and solve, and you don’t want to have to keep your business waiting around in the meantime. As mentioned before, that can result in huge loss for your business.

Wouldn’t it be better to pay a little more to have that peace of mind? Knowing that you’ll be okay even if disaster strikes is a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.

With the right DRaas solution, you provider goes through a series of steps to make sure your business continues running in the event of a disaster.

After your provider audits you in order to understand what your current IT situation stands, they’ll engineer a plan using their own internal procedures and tools that will be very similar to the infrastructure you’re already using. Once that’s taken care of, your provider will get ready to deploy that solution any time, anywhere, and will test it first to make sure it’s ready to go. Finally, your provider will constantly monitor your systems to make sure your data stays safe and your disaster recovery solution is ready to go at any moment.


With a DRaas, there’s no need to worry anymore. If something happens, your data will be protected and easy to retrieve in an instant. Meanwhile, your provider handles everything behind the scenes, so you can keep business going without IT interruptions getting in the way.





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