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Benefits of Cloud Computing in Retail

Kenneth     28 September 2018     Cloud Infrastructure     0 Comments

The pressure of e-commerce and retail companies to continually evolve and provide superior customer service can be very difficult to achieve for those who still rely on traditional computing methods. Being tied to archaic infrastructures that don’t provide the security and performance that is necessary can quickly take a toll on your business’ bottom line - both in the form of time and money.

With its hybrid cloud customization services, managed cloud retailers like Wowrack works with retail clients both to refine and enhance their infrastructure and processes. Our retail cloud services provide customized solutions that don’t compromise on cloud compliance and security needs.

There are many benefits of utilizing managed cloud servers for retail businesses:

Consolidation of Infrastructure

Imagine having all of your data accessible at once, from one central hub. By consolidating your properties into one customizable infrastructure, you no longer have to worry about insecure, misplaced or scattered data.

By utilizing providers like Wowrack, you can save both time and money by not having to hire as many IT team members, while still maintaining a strong level of specialized infrastructure management.

Increased Performance & Uptime

One of the main headaches a retail business has to deal with is frequent downtime. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons, but all reasons that have to take time to diagnose and fix.

Similarly, decreased performance can cause a multitude of issues that can end up causing a negative customer experience. With customer reviews so important nowadays, it’s more important than ever to have your servers not only up and running, but running fast and efficiently.

Many managed server providers contain data centers that are specifically built for uptime and are continually monitored for any signs of issues. If problems are detected, providers with 24/7 network availability assurance will quickly remedy any downage.

Retail Scalability

In today’s cutthroat retail industry, your business can’t be caught off-guard. When the need arises for additional resources, traditional methods may pose time and space restraints that would cause costly delays. By adopting cloud-based computing, however, scalability is available at a moment’s notice. Plus, you will never pay for equipment or services you don’t utilize - only the resources that are working to raise your bottom line.

Ease of Mind

When migrating to a provider like Wowrack, you can immediately rest assured that the following tasks will be closely monitored by their team, leaving you more time and energy to focus on other revenue-generating endeavors for your retail business:

  •         Maintaining UPS & Generators
  •         Maintaining server infrastructure
  •         Maintaining HVAC/CRAH/CRAC units
  •         Ensuring network availability 24/7
  •         Managing the security of server infrastructure space

Case Study: Fire and Vine

After choosing Wowrack as its Cloud Solutions Provider, Fire and Vine Wine Syndicate Director Lee Spires noted an important customer-facing improvement: “With Wowrack Turbo Cloud, the staff at the restaurants wait less and our customers get a faster response time from the system.” To see how this was achieved, and resulted in 10x improvement in performance, read our retail cloud computing case study here.

Cloud computing for retail businesses is undoubtedly a smart migration to make if you haven’t already done so. Efficiently consolidating your infrastructure and vastly increased performance and uptime are two of the many benefits that will quickly pay for themselves.

Contact Wowrack today for more information on meeting with a knowledgeable Wowrack rep to discuss how we can craft a solution for you.

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