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The Real Reason You Need Cloud Backup

Jesse     19 June 2016     Cloud Infrastructure     0 Comments

Keeping your data safe and secure is always a top priority. The problem comes when looking for the numbers in the budget to keep your disaster recovery plan up-to-date. Heavy hardware demands and salary for top notch IT staff start looking like unbeatable odds.

But even if you have more budget than you need, There are many reasons you should be taking advantage of what the cloud provides. Cloud technology has effectively changed that way we store data. What cloud backup can do for your company might have you rethinking your backup strategy.

Data storage in the cloud costs less

Data storage in the cloud costs less

Hardware is expensive, IT staff doesn't come cheap, and mistakes add to the cost. Cloud backups first gem comes from it's affordable nature. There is a huge price advantage to letting a provider employ and manage all its own hardware and staff.

Working with an experienced provider allows your business to focus on gaining more clients, and less on making sure your data is safe and up-to-date. With cloud backup, software handles the heavy work, while the provider makes sure your data is safe. Automatic system emails keep you informed, and alerts you if a problem ever arrives.

With cloud solutions the cost of purchasing, installing, monitoring, maintaining and replacing hardware is all in the hands of the provider. In most situations, these are the most costly expenses for your businesses data backup plan.

Cloud storage is high performance

Cloud storage is high performance

One of the most appealing aspects to working with cloud backup is the level of performance it provides. Most of these performance advantages are simply not obtainable for most companies.

Being able to handle unlimited growth without overhead was never possible before cloud solutions. No more do you need to purchase hardware only to take months or years to utilize it fully. Cloud backup allows consistent and rapid growth, and you will never over pay or have hardware bottlenecks.
Understanding the costs behind backing up your data is also extremely important. Cloud backup allows accurate tracking of your usage. You will only ever use what you need, and will never have to worry about a variable price model for your data backup costs.

Speed in the cloud is contentiously improving. While already fast, cloud providers have started to partner with interconnection companies who operate high performance networks. This level of connectivity opens up new capabilities.

Wowrack recently formed a partnership with Megaport (ASX: MP1) which provides our customers greater connectivity around the world. Partnerships like these allow cloud to become more valuable every day.

Cloud security is top notch

Cloud security is top notch

Another important aspect to your data is security. Security breaches can mean big trouble for your companies image. From customer data to proprietary information, any breach is a huge problem.

Being proactive with your system security can also be an expensive task. Hardware, software and staff again become a bigger number on your expense reports. Cloud backup providers not only cover these expenses, they take security very seriously.

Providers care for your data, and the data of many other companies. Big money is spent making sure that every aspect of security is in place and working properly. 24 hour staff monitor and fix any security threats before they happen.

Security from threats on the internet are far more common, but threats have also come from inside a company. Your internal network can provide access to intruders. Keeping that data separated and stored in a SSAE-16 certified secure Datacenter provides another layer of protection.

Cloud infrastructure has less fail

Cloud infrastructure has less fail

Redundancy is the beauty we call cloud infrastructure. In a world where failure is not an option, but failures do happen, redundancy is a must. Cloud providers take care in making sure diesel generators and backup batteries are always on standby and ready to work. Should hardware ever fail in the cloud, a team of technicians is on-site to swap in fresh new merchandise.

Redundant systems are what makes cloud backup your best friend. Cloud architecture is not only redundant on the hardware level, but also puts your data in a second location. While your local backup copy is your first line of defense, it's not entirely safe from natural disasters. Keeping data in the cloud means it can be stored in multiple locations for an affordable rate.

Another wonderful feature is the ability to manage your data from anywhere in the world. With our cloud backup software you can manage backups, manually start or automate backups, and even restore files. You will never be out of touch with your data while it's available in the cloud.

How do I get started?

Cloud how do I get started?

There are two highly important things you want to consider first before starting your move to cloud backup. First you will want to make sure you fully understand your needs, and second you want to make sure you are working with a good provider. If you are working with a good provider, they will help make sure you have all your needs addressed.

Wowrack has a specialist who can make sure your plan is sound. Once we figured out the best plan for your situation, you can make an informed decision on if cloud backup is right for you.

Cloud backup has become a tool that anyone with a backup need can utilize. From large enterprise solutions, to small corner store registers, Wowrack can keep your data safe and secure for a price you can afford.

Learn more about our cloud backup service

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