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Wowrack signed partnership agreement with Telkom USA in Los Angeles, CA

blogadmin     13 May 2016     Cloud Infrastructure     0 Comments

Wowrack signed partnership agreement with Telkom USA in Los Angeles, CA


Wowrack signed partnership agreement with Telkom USA in Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA – May 12, 2016 - Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc. (Telkom USA), a subsidiary of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Indonesia’s leading telecommunication and network provider, today announced a technology partnership and integration with Wow Technologies, Inc (, a Seattle based leading cloud service provider. The partnership provides both Telkom USA and Wowrack ability to increase and improve its portfolio of services that includes Hybrid cloud, Private Cloud, Compliant Application Hosting, Asia-USA Layer1 submarine fiber connectivity, and various telecommunication services in the Global market.

“Telkom USA understands that application delivery infrastructure and the cloud market has become increasingly important in today’s Internet requirement. Telkom USA has the expertise to deliver layer1 through layer3 connectivity to our customer, but we will always need to supplement our expertise with some kind of higher application layer delivery,” said Joseph Sahat Raja, CEO, Telkom USA. “We chose to establish strategic partnership with Wowrack due to their understanding of the Asia and Indonesia market, and also their ability to be able to provide secure and redundant infrastructure to our global customers.

“Wowrack is genuinely excited and honored to be able to formalize our partnership with Wowrack signed partnership agreement with Telkom USA in Los Angeles, CATelkom USA. The ability to connect intra pacific network with brand new submarine fiber cable and network equipment will not only improve quality of service, but it will also allow increase in commerce and financial transactions between South East Asia and United States,” said Erward Osckar, CEO, Wowrack. “We hope to be able to service more South East Asian companies that wish to conduct commerce in United States and vice versa. I strongly believe partnering with Telkom USA will result in such commerce increase a lot sooner.

The partnership signing was performed in Los Angeles, CA during Indonesia Infrastructure Forum (IIF), an annual forum that was formed between Indonesia and the United States under the direction of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to improve Indonesia Infrastructure including projects in transportation, energy and technologies. The agreement was signed between Mr. Joseph Sahat Raja, Telkom USA CEO and Mr. Erward Osckar, Wowrack CEO and Co-Founder. The signing was witnessed by Indonesian Ambassador to United States, Mr Budi Bowoleksono, Indonesian Consulate General of Los Angeles, Mr. Umar Hadi, and the office of Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. More information about IIF can be found on:

About Telkom USA

Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc. (Telkom USA) was established on 11th December 2013. Located in Los Angeles, California and becomes subsidiary with 100% of its shares owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin). Telkom USA performs telecommunications products, telecommunications services, Information Technology (IT), Information technology products and information technology services business. The current business portfolio of Telkom USA are managed services, wholesale business, enterprise business, and digital business.

Telkom USA plays a part in a consortium of seven international telecommunication companies that deploy the construction of a new submarine cable system directly connecting Southeast Asia and the United States (SEA-US). SEA-US will link five areas and territories that include Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Oahu (Hawaii) and downtown Los Angeles (California, United States). SEA-US will be approximately 15,000 kilometers in length and provide superior latency, deliver an additional 20 Terabits per second of capacity, and utilize the latest 100 Gigabit per second transmission equipment. For more detail please visit

About Telin

Telin is a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (TELKOM), the largest telecommunication and network services provider in Indonesia, established to oversee and manage TELKOM’s overseas businesses and aims to deliver value to its stakeholders in a highly competitive industry environment. Under business portfolios consisting International Telecommunication Carrier and Services such as Voice Services, Data Services and Data Center Services as well as Strategic Investments, Telin strives to bring the finest telecommunication services and solutions in today’s and tomorrow’s competitive business landscape. Telin has global offices in United States (Telkom USA), Singapore (Telin Singapore) and Hong Kong (Telin Hong Kong) as main gateways to international telecommunication market. Telin is committed to bridge the world with Indonesia and beyond through excellent global communication services.

About Wow Technologies, Inc. (Wowrack)

Founded in 2001, Wow Technologies, Inc. (Wowrack) is a Hybrid Cloud IaaS offering various Cloud Services including Private/Public Cloud, Managed Hosting Solutions, Dedicated Server Solutions, Colocation, Backup and Disaster Recovery as a service, Virtualization and WAN Circuit Delivery. Wowrack competency includes being able to design, provision, implement, manage and monitor compliant application Infrastructure using secured hybrid cloud platforms. Wowrack currently have 9 global datacenter point of presence and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. More information about Wow Technologies, Inc can be found at

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