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Why Colocation May Not Be Your First Choice in Provided Internet Services

reny     20 June 2017     Managed Services / Network     0 Comments

If your business is growing rapidly or you run a majority of it online, then it’s essential that your company looks into utilizing Internet services from an expert managed service provider. Depending on what your business’ needs are, an MSP can help you find the best solution for your company. Packages come in many different varieties, but it’s important to understand that no package is a “one size fits all.”

But, how can you know what’s right for you and what’s not?

Before you buy any type of service from an MSP, they should guide you on your options. For many businesses, the use of 2u colocation services is a good place to start. Colocation is a service in which your company keeps their servers stored at a data facility, which is controlled by your MSP. They take care of everything from security to continuously cooling the systems to make sure your data stays safe.

However, in some cases, a business, perhaps your business, may not require a colocation service, as it wouldn’t really be beneficial to you. Therefore, you’d have to seek out other types of Internet services that have the most potential for supporting your business.

So, here’s when a colocation service may not be the first choice (or best choice) for your business, and what kind of options you could look at instead:

When to Avoid Using a Colocation Service

It may seem that colocation is a good choice for any business. And, while it can never really be a bad choice, there are other services that may be more fitting for YOU instead.

Colocation is a good idea for larger companies that have a lot of data protect. It’s good for companies who are in Healthcare or Payment Card Industry and have a lot of sensitive customer information to protect. Additionally, companies who have a consistent amount of traffic each day, who can’t afford to lose business if their servers were to crash, may want to consider a colocation service.

But, if your business is just starting out, or you run most of your business offline and from one central location, then you’ll want to consider holding off on using a colocation service.  Also, if the costs of hosting your services at a data center outweigh your income, then that’s another reason to wait.

If you know colocation isn’t right for you but you’re not sure what is, Wowrack can point you in the right direction. We’ll help you find the best managed Internet services for your company, at a price you can afford. Contact us today to learn more.

What to Use Instead

So, colocation not for you? No worries! There are still tons of ways to reap the benefits of an Internet service provider for your business, without breaking the budget or wasting unnecessary resources.

Since you can generally think of Internet services in terms of size, colocation would be the “biggest” kind of service, essentially at the top of the pyramid. But, if your business is just starting out, then you would want to move to something smaller; starting at the bottom of that pyramid.

Getting your basic Internet services needs met can come in individualized managed service options. Some examples of these are IaaS, HaaS, and PaaS. You can also utilize a cloud hosting option if you believe that would support your data needs better than the other types of services out there. And, again, if you’re not sure where to begin, your MSP will help you. That’s what they’re there for!

It’s never too early to start your business off on the right foot. Building your site with the help of one of these types of managed services is a great way to  start preparing for the future. And, your MSP will provide you with an easier transition if and when you’re eventually ready to move to colocation.






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