Another Blackberry Developer Day but this time is in our hometown, Surabaya. Diadakan di Hotel Sheraton Surabaya, the great grand ballroom.
Ketemu lagi sama pak Johan Kremer dari RIM Singapore. Chit chat mengenai kota Surabaya dimana potentialnya sangat besar dibidang Blackberry Development. Dan juga RIM's goals untuk Surabaya itu akan mengarah ke university-university di Surabaya. Dia mengungkit tentang "DevChallenge" secara garis besar. "DevChallenge" itu adalah sebuah event dimana universitas-universitas akan mengikuti lomba untuk membuat Blackberry Application. Dan juga dia mengulangi lagi tentang DevCon Asia yang pertama kalinya diselenggarakan di Bali, Indonesia. Woot! this is what I called phenomena changing the face of Indonesian.
Wowrack team juga dateng ke BB Developer Day juga. And you know what, 2 member team kami memenangkan hadiah Blackberry Curve 3G. Wohoo I can't believe it but it happened. So good news to our customers, we will start developing a Blackberry Application so that you can access all your services in your BB!
We met with couple of vendors, communities and friends. It was a fun day and we were so tired though 🙂 But glad it was great. Hope to see you all in DevCon 2011.