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Web 2.0 heatwave

Yosia     11 November 2010     Berita & Pembaruan / Blog Teknikal     0 Comments

Last week, I had a chance to attend the first startup event called SparxUp. Indonesia seems to be in the heatwave of web2.0. There are so many startups, about 343 startups website that participated the SparxUp Awards 2010. Amazing sekali, banyak website website dan mobile applications yang sangat menarik. Dari 343 peserta, yang dipilih hanya 24 saja yang menerima awards, bisa dilihat di

I have also met quite a number of foreign and local investors yang datang di event besar ini. Investor-investor ini sudah mentargetkan startups-startups. Sarah from TechCrunch was there as well! Google and Yahoo! (who just acquired Koprol) were there as well.

It was a great day to remember of 🙂 Di hari itulah Indonesia bergerak maju lebih cepat dan lebih serentak! 🙂

My favorites site/app are and Very creative and very promising as well. Unfortunately only one of them is the winner of the The Promising Award 2010 which is 🙂

Congratulations to the winners of SparxUp 2010 and hope to see you guys again next year!

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